Recruit 2024

お知らせ news

前駐日パキスタン大使ファルーク・アーミル氏をご招請いたしました / We invited Mr. Farukh Amil, former Ambassador of Pakistan to Japan.





 On November 8th, we invited Mr. Farukh Amil, former Pakistani Ambassador to Japan, to our headquarters to introduce our company’s overseas business and receive guidance and suggestions for future overseas expansion.

 Ten people attended, including executives such as the President and the Vice President, as well as employees related to overseas operations. He taught us that Japan needs to contribute to the efficient water management of developing countries with its advanced technological capabilities, and also suggested targets for our company when expanding its overseas business.

 Currently, our company is engaged in two major overseas-related projects: dispatching employees to JICA projects and accepting training for overseas water supply industry workers. Aiming to be an innovation company that brings innovation to the water business, we will continue to expand our overseas business, partner local innovators, and explore ways to contribute to the world’s water business, including in developing countries, based on our management philosophy of “Creating the future of water from HIROSHIMA”.


左図:本社での協議の様子 右図:ファルーク・アーミル氏(右)と代表取締役社長 坂谷(左)
Left: Discussion at headquarters.
Right: Mr. Farukh Amil on the right and the President Ryuta Sakatani on the left.


■本件に関するお問い合わせ先/Contact 株式会社水みらい広島 [担当:木坂、杉山/Sugiyama]
 〒730-0041 広島県広島市中区小町1-25 電話:082-258-1315


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